One Important Way the Deacons of Central Baptist North Little Rock Serve “The Table of the Pastor”

As The Three Tables study argues, the single greatest way for deacons to serve the Table of the Pastor is to assist him in ministering to and caring for the families of the church. Most pastors would likely say that this assistance is most helpful and most appreciated. I certainly would. Many churches in the United States are familiar with the Deacon Family Ministry plan. At Central Baptist Church in North Little Rock, we call this the Authentic Family Ministry plan. This is because it fits not only on the Table of the Pastor in The Three Tables model, but, as a church, it goes beneath our first canon, “Authentic Family.” (Our church’s four canons are 1. Authentic Family (ecclesiology) 2. Around the Whole Gospel (theology) 3. For the Glory of God (doxology) and 4. And the Reaching of the Nations (missiology).)

I would like to provide the link to our Authentic Family Ministry enrollment form (you are not automatically added to this ministry at Central Baptist) so that our language and approach to this vital ministry can be seen and considered. Here is our enrollment form.

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